HOME 제품소개 소프트웨어 PIV 및 유동가시화 소프트웨어
PIV 및 유동가시화 소프트웨어
Features and Benefits
  • On-line data collection, analysis and display during the experiment
  • Velocity Fields measured with the Highest Possible Spatial resolution(SRPV)
  • Global measurements of scalar property fields(PLIF)
  • Stream hundreds-of-thousands images directly to computer at full camera frame-rate(Hyperstreaming)
  • Global size and velocity of spray droplets(GSV)
  • Distributed processing across a network of computers
  • Automation of rxperiments form setup to display of results (Visual and Sequential Macro)
  • Patented Image processing techniques
  • Integrated MATLAB toolbox for advanced image processing capability
  • integrated Tecplot toolbox for advanced image display capability n
The TSI INSIGHT™ 3G Global Image Acquisition, Analysis and Display Software is the most flexible and advanced package for flow field and acaiar property measuremmentsl.
From PIV (including Stereoscopic-, High frame rate-or Time-resolved-, and Micro-PIV) TO PLIF to simultaneous PLIF/PIV, GSV, SRPV and Image sizing INSIGHT 3G software is used to diagnose flow, scalar property fields from concentration, temperature to species.
sprays and other global fields.
Some of the new features are Super Resolution Particle Velocmetry(SRPV), Global Sizing and Velocimetry, Hyperstreaming.
POD analysis, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) based concentration, temperature and species measurements, Distributed processing, Macro and Micro spray dignostics, Stereao AutoMapping, support of new imaging cameras, new optimization tools and Sequential Macroprocessor for automation of all the steps from image capture to display of results.
  • Particle Image Velocimety
  • Planar Laser Induced Fluoresence
  • Global Micro Spray Dignostics
  • Temperature and concentration fields
  • Global Sizing Velocimetry
  • Global Macro Spray Diagnostics
  • Simultaneous PLIF/PIV Measurements
  • Micro flow measurements
  • Stereoscopic PIV
  • Time-resolved PIV
Go to http://www.intechsys.co.kr/HTML/f_html/html/product/Inght3G.htm
Time-resolved PIV(TR-PIV) system은 최신의 고속카메라를 CW or Pulse 레이저를 이용하여 수 ㎑까지 해상도의 감소 없이 상세한 시간적, 공간적 유동정보를 얻을 수 있는, 즉 난류계측이 가능한 입자영상유속계(PIV) 입니다.

Insight TR-PIV는 일반적으로 CW (Continuous Wave) 모드에서는 저속의 유동장 계측이나 Flow Visualization에 주로 사용되며, 고속의 유동장에서는 Synchronizer를 이용하여 펄스모드로 전화된어 Insight 4G software와 함께 측정, 분석 및 결과를 단시간에 얻을 수 있는 컴팩트한 장치이며, 저렴한 금액으로 제공하여 드립니다.
  • Measure flow field evolution
  • Design optimization in flow devices
  • Fluid mechanics research exposure
  • Validation of CFD result
  • Flow Visualization
  • Obtain unique information of flow dynamics, flow transport, and motion of structures
Features and Benefits
  • Compact & Low cost TR-PIV system
  • Easy to use
  • Burst mode & Shutter off mode for PIV
System Configuration
  • High Speed Camera
  • Solid State Laser
  • Laser Light Sheet Optics
  • Synchronizer
  • Insight 4G PIV Software
Experiment Conditions
  • Air and Water flow
  • Field of View : up to 1m x 1m
  • Velocity range : Typically up to 200 m/s
  • Seed particles : hollow glass, Oil droplet, etc.
Component Specifications
High Speed Camera

Phantom M310 High speed camera with 1280x800 pixel resolution at 3200 fps. 3.6,12GB memory and 50mm F-mount camera lens. Gigabit Ethernet interface. Burst mode and Shutter of mode for PIV exposure


Solid state laser, up to 20W, TTL modulation 1㎐-1㎑, Typically 5 W@532nm, output power control and LED display, 1% to 5% stability
Light Sheet Optic

Light sheet optics with continuously adjustable focal length between 300mm and 3000mm, 2sets of cylindrical lenses of -15mm and -25mm F.L.(equivalent divergence angle of 25 and 14 degrees respectively


LaserPulse Synchronizer with computer or front panel control, digital display, 8 independent output channels, 2 input channels, 250 picoseconds resolution, communication through USB or RS-232

Software Insight 4G Image Capture, Analysis, and Display Software with TecPlot data presentation